Wednesday, December 30, 2015

captain phasma imax poster

How many times have you seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Three times? Four? Enough times to be ready for the latest edition of The Force Awakens Bits, where we run down all of the cool pieces of news you need to know? In today’s edition:

  • A key The Force Awakens location returns for Star Wars: Episode VIII.
  • The Force Awakens and Frozen get a crossover.
  • Disney CEO Bob Iger explains just how rich his company is now.
  • The only Stormtrooper gif you need.
  • A nifty new Rey t-shirt.
  • A nifty new Captain Phasma poster.
  • The shocking truth behind what powers BB-8.
  • A guy in a Kylo Ren costume does something… well, you just have to see it.

Considering the final scene of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there was no way Star Wars: Episode VIII wasn’t going to return to Luke Skywalker’s isolated island home. Which means that the cast and crew would once again have to trek out to the island of Skellig Michael. And they did: some early shooting has already taken place there. However, it now looks like those Jedi Steps are being recreated elsewhere. According to Making Star Wars:

The Skellig Michael sets have been built and in some cases recreated at Pinewood. The location of the set at Pinewood is the same place they filmed the Jakku village scenes for The Force Awakens. Filming at Skellig Michael was just too complicated for environmental reasons. Migrating birds have more power than any corporation over that isle.

Considering the restrictions and red tape that the production had to battle to film there, this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

Yes, that is footage of a man in a Kylo Ren costume straddling a BB-8 while playing flaming bagpipes. Look, don’t say the internet never gave you anything because it has officially given you everything.

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Tumblr artist PannaN, realizing that there’s an audience for just about anything cute on the internet, has been churning out Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Frozen crossover art and it’s nothing short of adorable. This is the kind of thing that should be worthy of cringes and eyerolls, but c’mon: look at little baby General Hux! He just wants to build a Death Star!

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Speaking of Disney and Star Wars, Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger recently sat down with Bloomberg for a big interview about the state of the company. It turns out that the Star Wars brand, which was purchased for $4 billion in 2012, may be worth $10 billion after the release of The Force Awakens. In other words, Mr. Iger isn’t leaving this job anytime soon.

The Force Awakens has been shattering box office records left and right, so it’s not surprising that it just passed another milestone. The film has grossed $106 million on IMAX screens alone in twelve days, which is (of course) another new record. And all of this before the movie even opens in China, which is going to bring another big burst of business.


Just in case you encounter someone who thinks all Stormtroopers look alike, here’s a handy gif (via io9) that showcases just how much these white-suited menaces have evolved over the course of 60 in-universe years.

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The post Force Awakens Bits: The Return of the Jedi Steps, the Secret Behind BB-8, the ‘Star Wars’/’Frozen’ Crossover You Didn’t Know You Wanted appeared first on /Film.

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