Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A parabolic curve is a 2D drawing that seems to make a curve. It is very easy to do, and once you master it, the possibilities are endless!


Drawing a Simple Curve with Graph Paper

  1. Find graph paper. When you are learning, it is best to use graph paper. If you don't have any graph paper, continue on to method 2.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 1.jpg
  2. Position the paper lengthwise. Put the paper so the long end is on the bottom/top and the short ends on the side. If you are using square graph paper, you can skip this step.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 2.jpg
  3. Using a ruler, draw a line from the top left square to the right of the bottom left cube. Make sure the line is straight.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 3.jpg
  4. Using the ruler again, draw another line from the second to top left square and two out from the bottom left corner.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 4.jpg
  5. Continue moving down on the left side, and out on the bottom. Make sure you don't connect the wrong end to wrong end, as it is hard to erase.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 5.jpg
  6. Repeat until you reach the bottom square on the left side.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 6.jpg
  7. Finished!
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 7.jpg

Drawing a Simple Parabolic Curve without Graph Paper

  1. Draw a right angle. The taller you make it, the smoother your Parabolic Curve will be.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 8.jpg
  2. Add notches, dots, points, etc. on both sides of the angle. Make sure they are evenly spaced and equal on both sides.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 9.jpg
  3. Using a ruler, draw a line from the top left notch to the right of the bottom left botch. Make sure the line is straight. Repeat with the next notch
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 10.jpg
  4. Using the ruler again, draw another line from the third to top left notch and four out from the bottom left corner.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 11.jpg
  5. Continue moving down on the left side, and out on the bottom. Make sure you don't connect the wrong end to wrong end, as it is hard to erase.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 12.jpg
  6. Repeat until you reach the bottom notch on the left side.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 13.jpg
  7. Finished!
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 14.jpg

Draw a Circle Parabolic Curve

  1. Draw a circle. Use a compass, as it is essential that it is a good circle.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 15.jpg
  2. Notch the edges of the circle. Notch them in equal distance from each other.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 16.jpg
  3. Depending on how wide you want you parabolic curve to be, draw a line from one line to another.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 17.jpg
  4. Continue connecting the notches with lines. Continue as needed.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 18.jpg
  5. You're finished when you are at where you started.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 19.jpg
  6. Finished!
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 20.jpg

Other ways to draw a Parabolic Curve

  1. Draw it as a cube. This is a really cool doodle that isn't too hard. Simply draw the cube first, then use the angles of the cube to make the curves.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 21.jpg
  2. Make it using yarn or string. This is even cooler than doing it on paper!
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 22.jpg
  3. Draw a parabolic curve using an angle greater or less than 90°. This makes the curve narrower or wider.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 23.jpg
  4. Draw three parabolic curves inside a triangle. This makes a three-sided star.
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 24.jpg
  5. Combines parabolic curve sections to make a work of art!
    Draw a Parabolic Curve (a Curve with Straight Lines) Step 25.jpg

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